
The Break Down is dedicated to examining how capitalism has both shaped, and is being reshaped by, accelerating climate and ecological crisis. Launched in May 2024, we publish long-form interviews, original essays and resources that break down complex questions about how we got here, what the future might look like, and how we can build the power to change it.

The Break Down is a not-for-profit project, hosted in partnership with Common Wealth.

If you have questions or comments for us, please write to info@common-wealth.org and a member of our team will be in touch with you.

The views of authors and guests are their own, and do not necessarily represent those of The Break Down or of Common Wealth.

Our Team

Editor in Chief
Adrienne Buller
Amelia Horgan
Sophie Monk
Bella Smith
Sound & Video
Ralph Pritchard
A collage image featuring a yellow background with 3 rectangles - mauve, orange and green - overlaid featuring oceanic and geological textures. Climatological data and photographic images of trees and ice caps are also overlaid.